Friday 20 May 2005

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Here I am hanging out with Mommy on her Birthday. Today she's 30 years old, but don't tell anyone- it's a SECRET! (Babies aren't very good at keeping secrets; we don't learn how to lie 'til we're older).

I made my Mommy something very special for her birthday. It's wrapped up now, but she'll find it when she changes my diaper.

If you click HERE, you'll see a picture of Mommy when she was a little girl. She looks the same today, only older. And with breasts.

Hanging out with Mommy
(click here to see Mom as a toddler > Mini-Mom)


Anonymous said...

Oooooh! Another lovely picture.

I can't tell but who did you get your looks from Evan?

Happy Birthday to your Mom! May she have a lot more to come.

My name is EVAN Prosserman. said...

I'm not sure WHO I look like yet (I think I look like my Daddy below the waist). A PARENTLY (which means "according to my parents"), I look different depending on my mood. They say I look like my Daddy when I'm 'happy' and my Mommy when I'm 'mad'. When I'm all mixed up- I look like them both!