Here is a picture of me trying to fall asleep. As you can see, I'm not very good at it
(especially at night). Whenever I'm put into my crib, I'm kept awake by my '
fancy new mobile'. It hovers over me like a big scary monster. It must be there to keep me from falling asleep.

(click above for larger picture of me not sleeping)
The grownup in me is confusing me a lot. I thought a mobile was a cell phone and I said to myself, "This kid, Evan, is already equipped to impress girls." (Which is what I think a cell phone's function was in the old days.)
Which brings us to this: sleep longer to grow faster and then impress the girls. (Also, Mom and Dad can sleep better, themselves.)
I was talking about a different kind of mobile. This one is attached to my crib and has big things attached to it. When grownups press the button, it makes music and spins around. Pretty scary for a little guy!
Thanks for the sleeping advice. It's too late for my parents but not me (they stopped growing about 100 years ago)
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