Wednesday, 11 May 2005


Here's a picture of me lifting my big fat head. It's hard to do 'cause I'm only 7 weeks old, and my head weighs over 20 pounds! When Daddy puts me on my tummy, I try to lift my head so I can see things (besides my drool on the mattress). Babies who do this are called "lerts". I know because whenever I do it, my parents say I'm "a lert".

When my Daddy gets old I'm going to put him on his tummy and take pictures of him trying to lift his head out of his drool.

Holding my head high (click on picture for an even bigger head)

(For another hair raising picture, click here)


Anonymous said...

Hi lert kid,
Why do you needle your daddy so much? Remember that in about 20 to 30 years, you'll be a daddy yourself.

Anonymous said...


fat head = lert kid = all brain = smart kid

My name is EVAN Prosserman. said...

Hi Anon,
I like needling my Daddy. It makes my Mommy laugh.
You're right though, I should lay off a bit. After all, he's only a grownup.