Sunday, 31 July 2005

Shopping. Again.

Guess who went shopping again.

One more parcel and I'm squashed!

Saturday, 30 July 2005

Baby Bjorn

Daddy's taking me for a walk in my Baby Bjorn (that's a knapsack for babies). I like my BB because I can see where Daddy's walking. I get a little nervous sometimes, because my Daddy's a little accident prone. I hope he doesn't walk into a tree.

[ To see me after my walk, click here ]

Friday, 29 July 2005

Look Ma, I'm a tomato!

I'm not sure if I look like a tomato or a sumo wrestler.

For a juicier tomato [click here]
For a sumo wrestler [click here]
For pudgy cheeks [pinch here]

Thursday, 28 July 2005

Slip Sliding

This is a game Sharon (the world's best babysitter*) plays with me. I call it 'Slip Sliding' because, well, that's what it is. It's more fun than a barrel of monkeys.


*To see why Sharon might not be the world's best babysitter- click here

Wednesday, 27 July 2005

My Jinbei

Here's Mommy & Daddy holding me in my brand new Jinbei (that's the comfy blue outfit I'm wearing). Grandma sent it to me all the way from Japan. I like it because it keeps me cool. Mommy likes it because it makes me look cool.

"Women can't keep their hands off my Jinbei".

Tuesday, 26 July 2005

Blue monkey

This is my favourite blue monkey (It's actually my only blue monkey). He's really soft and rattles when I shake him. I can't wait to visit the zoo so I can rattle a real blue monkey.

Spending quiet time with my blue monkey

Monday, 25 July 2005

The ridges in my head

Here I am, playing on our 'fancy pillow'. You remember, the one that leaves ridges in my 40 pound head. Well as you can see, despite it's ridges, it's become my favourite pillow. One day, if my hair ever grows, I'm going to comb it over the ridges in my head.

Hip, Hip, Hip Hooooray!

Sunday, 24 July 2005

A trip to the restaurant

Here I am trying to order from the menu. Since I don't understand all the squiggly lines, I decided to suck on my new toy. Mommy finally whipped out lunch.

As you can see, Daddy brought along my Bumbo seat (which he plopped on the table). Lots of people came by and asked where we got it. I think we should work on commission.

If you click on the picture (left), you can see me drooling over lunch (Mommy's breasts). Sometimes the best things in life are free.

Saturday, 23 July 2005

Time with Daddy

When Daddy gets home from work he tells me all about his day. Then I tell him all about my day. Even though we don't understand everything, we still like talking to each other.

In this picture, Daddy is looking at my bald spot. I guess my big floppy ears aren't the only things I inherited from Daddy.

Friday, 22 July 2005

Enduring the Paparazzi

Here I am enduring the Paparazzi. Since I have a responsibility to my fans, I try to put up with these photo opps. Unfortunately, I don't sign autographs. Not 'til I learn to write.

To see me when I've had enough, [click here]

Thursday, 21 July 2005

My toothless smile

I wish Daddy would stop taking pictures of my toothless smile. In a few years, I'm going to take pictures of Daddy's toothless smile.
By then, his teeth will be in a glass.

To see bigger gums, click on picture
For another toothless smile click here

Wednesday, 20 July 2005

The man with the moustache

Yes, there's a strange man with a moustache in my crib (it's Daddy's eccentric friend). He's helping us enlarge my crib because Daddy's useless with that sort of thing. It turns out, so is his friend.

After taking my crib apart, they spent over 3 hours trying to put it back together again (kind of like Humpty Dumpty). Eventually I went to sleep on the floor, thinking this is where I'll be spending the rest of my life.

Miraculously, I awoke the next morning inside my larger crib. I hope the man with the moustache isn't trapped inside.

Tuesday, 19 July 2005

Working on my blog

Here I am working on my blog. Writing something new every day isn't easy, especially for a baby. Since most of my days consist of eating, sleeping and pooping, I don't have much to talk about about. Plus my memory doesn't go back more than a few months. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Another day, another blog

Monday, 18 July 2005

My favourite chair (4th Month)

Remember my favourite chair? Daddy takes a picture of me in it every month to document my growth. This will continue until I get a restraining order.

Daddy had trouble squeezing me into the same old pyjamas, so in a flash of brilliance, he cut off the ends. Fortunately, I've still got all my toes.

Sunday, 17 July 2005

My throne

Here I am on my new throne. Daddy bought it for me last week because my bumbo chair is getting too small. Either that or my butt is getting too big. Just like Daddy's.

Because my Daddy's a typical guy, he got all sorts of useless gadgets on it, like a vibrating seat and other gizmos. Personally, I prefer the box it came in.

Saturday, 16 July 2005

Bye bye Jason

Today Daddy drove my brother Jason to the airport. Jason just graduated from high school and is going away all summer. I'm really going to miss my middle brother.

Then again, this means I've got Mommy&Daddy all to myself. Now if I can just figure out how to get rid of the cat...

Friday, 15 July 2005

Sweet nothings..

Here's Mommy whispering sweet nothings into my ear. She used to do that to Daddy before I became the new man in her life.

"Daddy did what?!?"

Thursday, 14 July 2005

My favourite game

Here I am playing my favourite game, "too ruff". According to Mommy, Daddy's been playing "too ruff" with me since I was a little baby [See for yourself].

I laughed so hard this time, I pee'd in my pants. It's a good thing I wear diapers.


Wednesday, 13 July 2005


I've finally figured out what my thumb is good for. I still prefer my Mommy's breasts though. So does Daddy.

To see the 3 stages of thumbsucking [click here]

MMMmmmmmnn, not bad.
(Click on picture for bigger sucker)

Tuesday, 12 July 2005

Mornings with Mommy

Sometimes, in the morning, Mommy sneaks me into her bed for a quick nap. She tries not to wake Daddy because he'll just take our picture and post it on the web.

My favourite time of the day
(click on picture for bigger sleep-in)

Monday, 11 July 2005

My weekend report

This is me after yesterday's brunch. I'm smiling because I got lots of attention from the grown-ups ('brunches' are where they go to play with babies). Some even wanted to take me home with them. I'm glad Mommy&Daddy don't rent me out.

When's the next brunch?

Sunday, 10 July 2005

I'm off to a Brunch!

As you can see, I'm very excited because we're going to a 'brunch' today (that's when we meet a 'brunch' of friends). Personally, I'm looking forward to the car-ride!

Apparently we're driving all the way to 'Oakville'. Does Daddy's friend live in an oak tree??! Why do they want to meet me? How long 'til we get there? Why is the sky blue?

When I learn how to talk I'm going to ask Mommy&Daddy thousands of questions like these, all day long.

We're off to a brunch (whatever that is)

Saturday, 9 July 2005

Pick me up!

Here I am asking to be picked up. I usually give subtle hints like flailing my arms and kicking my feet. If that doesn't work, a frantic cry usually does it. Personally, I'd rather have a buzzer installed in my crib.

Eventually they picked me up.

Giving Mommy one of my pick-up lines.

Friday, 8 July 2005

Splish Splash

As most of my fans know, I love bathtime! Mommy & Daddy think it's because I like the water, but really, it's because I like being naked! (How would you like walking around in diapers all day)?!!
..Sorry Daddy, you'll find out soon enough..

Hooray, no diaper!! (click on picture for bigger smile)

To see why I'm smiling, click [HERE]>>

Thursday, 7 July 2005


Every meal I have the same old thing, so last night I thought I would try something different (chicken breast instead of Mommy's breast). Unfortunately, Mommy&Daddy said I couldn't have any because I was "just a baby" (their words, not mine).

To see my futile attempt to find food, click [here].
Next time, I'll look under Daddy's chair and get all the food I want.

"Two helpings please" (click above to enlarge)


Wednesday, 6 July 2005

Greeting my fans

Here I am outside greeting my fans. To avoid being recognized, I'm wearing one of my many disguises. I was a little worried when I was held over the balcony. Fortunately, Sharon was holding me, not Michael Jackson.

For more groovy pictures of me, click [here] and [here].
To see me wearing these glasses 3 months ago, click

Going incognito (click on picture for bigger celebrity)

Tuesday, 5 July 2005

My annoying mobile

Some of you might remember my fancy new mobile . For the last 2 months I've had to endure it's annoying sights and sounds while in my crib (Mommy&Daddy turn it on whenever I cry). Now, to avoid this annoying mobile, I try not to cry in my crib.

When I get older, I'm going to listen to the most annoying music I can find and play it real loud for Mommy&Daddy. They'll want to cry.

Make it stop!!

Monday, 4 July 2005

In the mood for privacy

Normally I like lots of attention, but sometimes I like to be alone. So today, instead of babbling about nothing, I've decided to show some pictures:

Coping with the paparazzi
(click on picture for bigger invasion of privacy)

Sunday, 3 July 2005

Seeing the world differently

Sometimes I like to watch people upside down. My brother Jason used to do this when he was a baby [see picture]. Daddy thinks I'm a lot like my brothers were when they were babies. Personally, I think it's amazing that Daddy remembers that far back. Usually he can't remember what he's had for breakfast.

Bending over backwards for Mommy
(Click above to enlarge. For another picture, click here)

Saturday, 2 July 2005

Ear nibbles

In this picture my Mommy is giving me 'ear nibbles'. I like ear nibbles because they tickle and make me laugh. According to Daddy, Mommy likes ear nibbles too. Daddy wouldn't elaborate further.

<< click on pic to enlarge

Friday, 1 July 2005

Bye Bye Grampa

Grampa went back to Japan today. I had lots of fun showing him around. I also showed him a square, a triangle and all the other shapes in my crib. (Sorry. That's a dumb joke, even for a baby).

I hope Grampa remembers me when he gets back to Japan. I know Grandma remembers me, but that's 'cause I pee'd on her face when she was here. I never got to pee on Grampa's face.

I'll miss you Grampa! (at least until my aim improves)

P.S. Happy Canada Day!