This is me after yesterday's brunch. I'm smiling because I got
lots of attention from the grown-ups
('brunches' are where they go to play with babies). Some even wanted to take me home with them. I'm glad Mommy&Daddy don't rent me out.

When's the next brunch?
The day may come when they will be sorry they didn't rent you out.
However, as things are now you're awesome. Apparently, according to your Dad, delicious, although I couldn't get close enough to take a bite. It was great to meet you. You are a real "babe magnet".
Let's keep in touch.
Much love.
I wish I could babysit you, but I know you have a very good babysitter.
My mom is a daycare teacher and I love going to her school sometimes!
BTW, last week on TV, Dr. Marla Shapiro was teaching mommies how to massage babies before sleep. I bet you like that, too. Apparently that also helps with digestion, if performed before feeding.
Hi Selma- Thanks for the brunch on Sunday! It was yummy (the attention. I never got to taste the food). I especially liked when you held me. You're the most comfortable grownup I've ever laid on.
Hi Sky (I'm a poet and I didn't know it)- You're right about massages; I really like when Daddy gives them to me (I guide him to the right spots with my smiles and grunts).
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