Monday 9 January 2006

Working on my blog

Here I am hard at work on my blog. Sometimes Mommy hangs around to lend support (when she's not there I usually fall over backwards and bump my head). One day I'll support myself.

Writing my autobiography. Chapter One.


The City Gal said...

Mommies are very good at that, supporting that is.

Anonymous said...

I foresee a bestseller here.

The City Gal said...

I have a suggestion:

Do you have pictures of mommy and daddy when they were only 1 yr old? You can perhaps scan them in.

I bet they looked a lot like you when they were little!

My name is EVAN Prosserman. said...

Hi sky,
I'll see what I can do! I'm sure mommy has some pictures when she was 1 yr old. As for daddy, I'm not sure if cameras were invented yet.