Sunday, 1 January 2006

We're back!

Happy New Year everyone! We just got back from our cruise. Sorry I didn't post more pictures while I was away, but I was too busy making new fans. But don't worry, for the next few days, I'll tell you all about my holiday.

Below you see me lounging on the deck. Lounging is the most popular activity when you cruise. After eating.

Wanna see more lounging pictures? Click HERE and HERE.
Wanna see my brothers lounging? Click

Look at that. No, look at THAT..

[Wanna see some pretty pictures from the ship? Click "Upperdeck" and "Sunset"]


Susan said...

Happy new year to Evan and mom and dad too.
You look fine in your cruise photos. Glad you all had a nice time.

WastedDoll said...

Welcome back!!!!! Love the photos!!!