Thursday 19 January 2006

That darn cat

This is our cat 'Tora'. She's the funniest cat I've ever known (actually, she's the only cat I've ever known). If you'd like to see a clip of me chasing her, click below..

[Here's a VIDEO CLIP of me chasing the cat]


Anonymous said...

It looks like Tora has a faster four-wheel drive than Mister Evan. But not for long. When Evan switches to two-wheel drive... beware Tora, Mom and even Daddy.

The City Gal said...

There is a moment on the clip that the cat is standing beside the wall, looking at Evan in wonder! She is probably thinking: "seriously? this little fella can move??" and the next thing she sees with surprise is that Evan is chasing her! I think that's when she decides:
"oops, I'd better go get some refuge! Who knows! Maybe he bites, too!"

Tracy said...

Oh, my--Tora is very brave to stick around! Our cats don't seem to enjoy being in the ROOM with our 15-month old. :-)