Saturday 30 June 2007

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is Daddy's 50th birthday!! He's having a big celebration today in Manitoba! (Unfortunately, the celebration is for someone else).

Below is a picture of Daddy when he was my age. I know I've used this picture before, but that's 'cause it's Daddy's only baby picture. Frankly, I'm surprised cameras even existed back then.

My Daddy
(many many many years ago)

(Tomorrow is Canada's Birthday (it's even older than Daddy!))


Aly said...

Happy belated birthday!

Jack said...

Hi Evan, Happy Canada Day to you!! Looks like you had a mighty fine time in Gimli. I missed connecting with your dad on his birthday. Please wish him a very happy (slightly belated) birthday from all (2) of us here on the west coast. I hope to see you before your dad's next birthday . You're growing up so fast.