Friday, 7 July 2006


Here I am having completed my first triathalon. And I won! Maybe next year I'll have competitors.

[click on picture for bigger winner]


Anonymous said...

"Triathlon"!? Do you mean "tricyle?"


My name is EVAN Prosserman. said...

No, I mean "Triathlon" ["An athletic contest in which participants compete without stopping in three successive events, usually swimming, running and bicycling"].

I did all three! Except I had to stop a few times. And I swam in the bathtub. And my nose was running. Oh yea, and Mommy had to push me 'cause my feet don't reach the pedals.

Anonymous said...

Your "nose was running!" You're using the wrong body parts, Evan. Your feet should be doing the running. Only old folks, like Dad (and me, unfortunately), have their nose run and their feet... well, ...smell.

I can see though that you're having a good time; which is great.

Have a good weekend to you and your family.., brothers, Jason and Andy, included.

P.S. Such a swell Canada Day, you had too.