Friday, 9 November 2007

Balancing act

School's out! That means it's time to play! Here you see me trying to balance school time with play time. In this case, I was unsuccessful.


Anonymous said...

Did you notice that iron bar sticking out just a few inches from your head.

Please be more careful with your balancing act next time.

Anonymous said...

Did you notice that iron bar sticking out just a few inches from your head.

Please be more careful with your balancing act next time.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the double postig; I did not mean to nag you.

My name is EVAN Prosserman. said...

That's ok, I'm used to being nagged. (Next time when I'm balancing, I'll take off my 6o pound knapsack first)

Anonymous said...

ototototo! kyotsukette chodai!
Angela B.