Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Th-th-th-that's All Folks!

No this is not an April Fool's joke- now that I'm three years old, I've stopped blogging and started working on other important things, like my autobiography (you know how much I like autos).

I've made lots of great friends on this blog, even if some are anonymous. Perhaps when I'm all grown I'll post here again. Until then, I'm off to play and spend more time with Mommy & Daddy.Thank you all for being a big part of my life. I'll miss you. :)


P.S. I'm still updating my photos!  To see how I've grown, check me out in my Favourite Chair!


Cyndy said...

Evan, I've been a lurker for three years and loved seeing all the things you have done as you grew up (you aren't that much older than my little girl, Leda). I will miss you on the internets! Have fun with you Mommy and Daddy and I look forward to your wedding photos! ;-) All the best!

The City Gal said...


I don't have a reason to wake up in the morning anymore! No reason to smile!


Maybe once a month? Once a year?

Anonymous said...

I've never posted, so you've no reason to realize I'll miss you. Bye Bye big guy... you're a pleasure and a treasure.

Mommy Jo said...

I am sadden to hear you are taking 'early' retirement Evan. It was a pleasure to see you blossom. May life continue to bring you peace, giggles and love!

The Epp Tribe in Kelowna, BC

Bobbie said...

I've enjoyed your blog so much Evan, and I'll miss dropping by to read of your latest adventure. Your blog is one of my favourite ones to visit. Have lots of fun with your mommy and daddy, Evan. You're such a special little guy!

Anonymous said...

This not "good bye".

I'll just say, "See you again in the future."

I'll remain "Anonymous" but if and when I see you again, I'll give a sign: JGC/Anonymous.

Miriam said...

ok, kiddo. I'm going to miss you. Enjoy your days. I'll be sending out good karma in your direction.

Aunty Miriam

My name is EVAN Prosserman. said...

Wow, THANKS EVERYONE.. I appreciate your comments! I'll really miss blogging, but I'm having much more fun now with Mommy & Daddy. I'll still try to update my photo albums, so you can check up on me there. It's been fun sharing my first years of life with you. Thanks again for being there for me.