Tuesday, 28 November 2006

Stomach Burbles!

Sometimes, after Mommy's changed my diaper, she gives me stomach burbles. She's been doing this ever since I was a baby. When I get older, I'm going to give her stomach burbles right back!

aaaaaaaaa.. ..stop!!


Anonymous said...

Evan, you are getting too old for diaper change!

But stomach burbles are good!

My name is EVAN Prosserman. said...

I'm not too old for diapers! (I only pee in them anyway, I poop in the toilet now). Don't forget, I'm still only 20 months old (my Daddy was still in diapers when he was well over 2 yrs old (it looks like he'll be back in diapers soon)).

Anonymous said...

Ok sorry! I understand you have like a year to work on it!

About your Daddy, he will live long (with no diapers) until you grow up and have your own babies, and he will make a blog for them, too!

Anonymous said...

I'm sory bahar but I believe the blogging part should be Evan's responsibility and his Daddy and Mommy will be the major audience and commenters.