Today I pooped in the toilet like a big boy! Since Mommy got tired of changing my diapers, she decided to potty train me!
Whenever she thinks I'm going to pee or poop (every few minutes), she plops me on the toilet, and we wait.
Well it worked! If you don't believe me, check for yourself (if I were you, I wouldn't check).
Daddy should stop posting gross pictures! Even with a warning, people are still tempted to look and if it is right after breakfast, not such a good idea!
However, I am glad that you like potty. Can you actually say that you need to pee?
Its amazing how much poop comes out of our sweet babies butts. Caleb has been pooping on the potty off and on since he was a year old.
I had him going for a month or so until we traveled to NC to visit my family.
While at the airport Caleb told me he had to poop... so of course we take him to the bathroom.
We open up his potty seat... place it on the airport toilet... and the instant he sits down and is fixing to go the stupid toilet goes off on him! (it had an automatic sensor thing).
It freaked him out so bad since the event he has been difficult to train.
Im getting him back in the routine... and he 60% I'd say of the time will tell me when he has to poop.
But never again will I put him on an airport toilet :-)
(I have a toilet seat that folds up and fits in my diaper bag. It looks like yours opened up... but folds into a small square. www.babiesrus.com has them)
Reward Evan for pooping ;-) that helps us out. He gets a piece of candy any time he goes.
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