Tuesday, 25 October 2005

Trick or Treat!

One last thing before I go (today)..

Since I won't be here for Halloween, I thought you'd like to see my costume. A PUMPKIN! How embarrassing! (even for a baby). Personally, I'd rather be GODZILLA (after all, I'll be 'Trick or Treating' in Tokyo).

Trick or Treat!
[Click on picture for bigger treat]

[LAST BLOG UPDATE 'TIL Mid-November. Happy Halloween!]

Monday, 24 October 2005

All packed & ready to go!

Hooray, we're all packed! Tomorrow I leave to Japan (& BC) with Mommy & Daddy. Even though Grandma & Grampa haven't seen me since I was a baby, they've been watching me grow (through my blog) every day. I can't wait to see them again in person!

Sorry to my fans, but I won't be updating my blog for the next few weeks. Until then, go hug a baby!

Sunday, 23 October 2005

Packing for our trip

Here I am watching Mommy & Daddy pack for our trip to Japan (We leave in 2 days!). They're worried they're going to forget something. As long as they don't forget me I'm happy.

"I hope they don't pack me in the suitcase"

Saturday, 22 October 2005

My brother's cap

Here I am staring at my big brother's cap. I want it!

I got it! I guess My big fat head isn't so big after all.

Friday, 21 October 2005

My fuzzy blue chair

As you can see, I just love my fuzzy blue chair. It's so soft and cuddly I want to sit on it with my naked butt. For some reason, Mommy & Daddy said no.

Can you find the picture that does not belong?

[For larger picture, get a bigger monitor] or [Click Here]

Thursday, 20 October 2005

I'm going to Japan!

Guess what? Next week I'm going to Japan (and Victoria) to visit Grandma, Grandpa and 2 Great-Grandparents. I guess you can call this a 'Grand' vacation. I'm so excited I just pee'd in my diaper!

"Look out Everyone, here I come!"

[To see more pictures of my excitement,
Click Here]

Wednesday, 19 October 2005


Here I am taking a nap in my favourite basket. Actually, it's my only basket. Mommy & Daddy got it for me a few months ago. It was a lot bigger then. Like everything else around me, it's shrinking.

*CLICK below to see more pictures*
-Me in this basket (a few months ago)
-Sleeping in my stroller (bbrrrrrrr)
-Mommy putting me to sleep (bedtime)

Tuesday, 18 October 2005

My favourite chair (7th month)

Here I am STANDING on my favourite chair (sitting is for babies). Today I'm 7 months old! It seems like just yesterday when I couldn't even stand yet. Actually, it was just yesterday.

1. "Balancing on my favourite chair"- Click Here
2. "Being a tough guy in my chair"- Click Here
3. "Finally sitting in my stupid chair"- Click Here

Monday, 17 October 2005

The four stages of eating Prunes

Here are the first three stages of eating prunes. To see the fourth stage, Click Here (I highly recommend you don't click).

Click above to enlarge the "first 3 stages of eating prunes"

Click below to see what else I've eaten this week:

Sunday, 16 October 2005

Playing with Jason

Here I am playing horsie with my brother Jason. He still plays with me, even though I turned him into a 'middle child'.


Saturday, 15 October 2005

Going for a ride

As you can see, I'm about to go for a car ride. You can tell from my excitement that Daddy's driving. When Mommy drives I usually fall sleep.

"Start your engines"

Friday, 14 October 2005

Look, I'm a puppet!

Here's Daddy taking me for a walk. He put me in a harness so I can't run away. Actually, it's part of my 'Jolly Jumper'. Since I can't walk yet, Daddy uses it to help me get around the house.

In the picture below, I'm explaining to Daddy how I'm going to use my Jolly Jumper on him, when I'm all grown up. It'll come in handy in his nursing home.

Thursday, 13 October 2005

Bouncing baby boy

Here I am strapped into another one of Daddy's contraptions. It's called a 'Jolly Jumper' and is hooked onto the doorway by a giant spring. At first I was a little apprehensive (coming from Daddy), but after a while I was hopping away like a bunny. Next week I try Bungee Jumping!

What's next? A catapult?

Wednesday, 12 October 2005

Eating my playstation

I love my new 'Baby Einstein' play station. It's got an all-you-can-eat buffet of delicious toys on it (as you might recall, I'll eat anything).

MMMMmmmmm, Delicious!

[Wanna see some more pictures? Click Here. For an earlier picture, Click Here.]

Tuesday, 11 October 2005

iPod baby

Look, I'm an iPod baby! Daddy loves playing with his iPod and he loves playing with me. Now he can do both at the same time!

Push my buttons and watch me play!

** To see this VIDEO CLIP of me laughing- CLICK HERE **

Monday, 10 October 2005

Practicing my sitting

Here I am practicing to sit up straight. Frankly, as long as I don't fall on my face, I'm happy. Next week I practice standing on my head.

Look Ma, I'm sitting!

Sunday, 9 October 2005

Me and my big brother

Here I am hanging out with my big brother Andy. He's a lot cooler than Mommy & Daddy. Even though he's moved out of the house, he still visits me every week. And he always brings me something special, just like my brother Jason.

My big brother Andy and my big fat head

Saturday, 8 October 2005


Oh oh, you caught me. As you can see, I'm trying to escape the paparazzi. Unfortunately, this huge pillow has stopped me. That, and the fact that I can't crawl yet.

Can't a baby have some privacy??!

Friday, 7 October 2005

Ready, Aim, Smile!

As you can see, getting my picture taken is as easy as "one, two, three". My Papa (short for Paparazzi) takes about 12,000 pictures a week. Some people think he's a good photographer, but really, even a monkey would end up with a few good pictures out of 12,000!

[Click above to enlarge all pictures. Click Here to enlarge 1.]

(alright, here's another picture)

Thursday, 6 October 2005

Getting on ahead

Here's me on Sharon's Head&Shoulders (no, I'm not shampoo, just a baby full of poo). When Sharon decided to lift me up, she forgot how heavy I was. To see me about to fall to the floor, Click Here. Daddy didn't take any pictures of me falling. He was too busy trying to catch me.

Wednesday, 5 October 2005

Relaxing with Mommy

Here's Mommy and I relaxing on the balcony. Mommy likes holding me because I'm so cuddly (her words, not mine). Unfortunately, I'm getting so big she can't hold me for too long. Soon I'll be holding Mommy.

*To see more pictures, Click Here (sorry, but Daddy's in them too)

Tuesday, 4 October 2005

A typical meal

Here I am having a delicious meal of mush. I prefer eating with Mommy because Daddy always eats off my plate. [Click on picture for bigger meal].

To see me eating my peas- Click "BEFORE" and "AFTER"

Monday, 3 October 2005

Shana Tova

This evening is "Rosh Hashana". It marks the beginning of the Jewish New Year (Shana Tova means “A good year”). It also means I get to eat lots of food.

To my family, friends and fans- I hope you have a healthy and happy new year. "Shana Tova".

(P.S. here's another picture)

Sunday, 2 October 2005

My world's been turned upside down

Mommy's turned my world upside down! Daddy says "welcome to the club".

Click above for bigger picture. To see another picture- Click Here

[To see me right-side-up, turn your monitor upside-down]

Saturday, 1 October 2005

Look Ma, no diapers!

Being naked is so comfortable! Whoever invented clothes must be crazy! (Or in the clothing industry).

"Oh oh, I think I have to pee.."