Friday, 30 September 2005

My morning shampoo

Here's Mommy shampooing the 18 hairs on my head. My head must attract a lot of dirt because she shampoos me every single day!

Click to Enlarge> (1) Head shampoo (2) Tummy rub

Thursday, 29 September 2005

I like my new shoes

I like my new running shoes. They're even tastier than my fancy shoes. And they reach my mouth a lot easier than my feet!

"MMmmmm, Filet of Sole"

[Click on picture for bigger feast]

Wednesday, 28 September 2005

Asleep* (again)

As you can see, I have a habit of falling asleep anywhere, anytime (except in my crib at bedtime). Mommy's so concerned about my strange sleep habits, she actually charts my naps!


DADDY'S ARMS, (here too) (2) STROLLER (3) SWING (4) CARRIER (5) CARSEAT (6) BOTTLE (7) On DADDY (8) On MOMMY (9) In my CRIB (at bedtime).

Tuesday, 27 September 2005

Still lovin' my Bumbo

As you can see, I still love my Bumbo seat. The first time I used it was over 3 months ago. Back then, Mommy & Daddy just plopped me into my Bumbo. Now that I'm bigger, they have to squeeze me in (to fit properly, they must first remove my pants!).

At this rate, they'll soon have to remove my diaper to squeeze me in. If they try that, I've got a big surprise for them!

For bigger picture, Click Here. For more pictures, Click Here

* * * To see a VIDEO CLIP of me on my Bumbo, CLICK HERE * * *

Monday, 26 September 2005

Hip Hip Hooray

This is still my favourite game. I've been playing it since I was 2 months old. Whoever invented it was a genious.

Let's play (2) Hip Hip (3) Hooray!.

Sunday, 25 September 2005

Tummy Time

Every day, Mommy plops me on the floor for 'tummy time'. This is supposed to build up my strength for crawling. Mommy has no idea what she's in for!

Ready or not, here I come!

Saturday, 24 September 2005

How embarrassing!

Here I am wearing my ridiculous new hat. When Mommy put it on my head, I didn't realize it had bunny ears attached. How embarrassing! I hope you like the picture because it's the last time you'll see me wearing it.

Friday, 23 September 2005

Cuddling with Mommy

When Daddy goes to work in the morning, Mommy sneaks me into her bed for cuddles (Ssssshhh, don't tell Daddy). Since Mommy needs lots of cuddles, I make sure I'm there for her.

Eat your heart out Daddy!

[To see more cuddles, Click Here]

Thursday, 22 September 2005

My drinking problem

As you can see, I haven't quite mastered the art of 'drinking from a bottle'. I'm sucking hard, but nothing comes out! I think I'll stick with Mommy's breasts.

I think it's broken

Wednesday, 21 September 2005

Nothing in particular

Here I am outside looking at nothing in particular. For some reason, Daddy thought it would make a good picture. So here it is- a picture of a curious baby looking at nothing in particular. How boring!

"Maybe if I ignore him, he'll go away"

Tuesday, 20 September 2005

Attached to Daddy

I'm really attached to my Daddy (when I'm in a 'baby carrier'). This carrier is newer and bigger than my 'other one'. As you can see, I have a habit of falling asleep in them.

Mommy wishes I would fall asleep in my crib as easily as I do in these carriers. Perhaps she should buy me a hammock and hang me up at night.

[Click on Pic to enlarge]

Monday, 19 September 2005

The 6 stages of Swinging

Here I am demonstrating the six stages of swinging. At first I was a little apprehensive, but then I really got into the swing of things!

Look daddy, I'm swinging!
[click on picture to enlarge]

Sunday, 18 September 2005

My favourite chair (6th month)

As most of my fans know, Daddy takes a picture of me in my favourite chair every single month. He plans on doing this for the next 20 years (or until I strangle him, whichever comes first).

1. "Happy to sit in my chair"- Click Here

2. "VERY happy in my chair"- Click Here

3. "Had enough of the chair"- Click Here
4. "My ever-expanding feet"- Click Here

Saturday, 17 September 2005

It's the weekend!

I love to kick back on the weekends. Usually I just hang out with Mommy&Daddy (eating , drinking & playing). Life doesn't get much better than this.

Hooray, it's the weekend!

Friday, 16 September 2005

The 4 stages of Crawling

Since I'll soon be 6 months old, I've decided to try crawling (hey, if Daddy can do it, so can I). As you can see, I wasn't entirely successful. Perhaps I should hold off on walking.

Next time I'll wear a mouthguard!

[For more pictures Click Here]

Thursday, 15 September 2005

The 4 stages of Sitting

Here I am demonstrating the 4 stages of sitting (for a baby). Don't worry, Mommy caught me before my head hit the floor (of course, Daddy was too busy taking pictures).

Next time I'll wear a helmet!

Wednesday, 14 September 2005

The eating machine

As you can see, I'll eat anything (just like my Daddy). In fact, so far, I haven't found anything I wouldn't put into my mouth. The pictures below are just a small sampling of the things I've chewed on recently.

[ABOVE] ME EATING my cereal, the table, my thingy, my hand, my mommy, my foot, my swing, my bagel, my toy. [Click on picture for bigger snacks].

Tuesday, 13 September 2005

My big middle brother

Here I am lying around with my big 'middle' brother Jason. I'm smiling because Jason came to visit me this weekend (he lives in residence now, at university). I was excited because he brought a big present with him. He calls it 'laundry'. I didn't play with it because it smelled funny. I played with Jason instead (he doesn't smell funny).

Hanging out with my big brother

[click on picture for an even bigger brother]

Monday, 12 September 2005

That tickles!

As you can see, it doesn't take much to make me laugh. In this case, a small ball of cotton. Sometimes just saying "peek-a-boo" will do it. I've been like that since I was a baby.

Chin wiping (2) Hair brushing (3) Dragon slaying.

Sunday, 11 September 2005

Working on my blog (again)

Here's Daddy and I working on my blog. He helps me sometimes, especially with my spelling (babies aren't very good spellers). Daddy says my spelling will improve after I learn to talk.

Working on my autobiography (Chapter 1)

[To see us relaxing afterwards, Click Here]

Saturday, 10 September 2005

Eating Mommy's face

It seems I've developed this habit of eating Mommy's face. I usually start on her chin then work my way up (Sorry Daddy, she's all mine).

Mmmmmmnn, delicious!

Friday, 9 September 2005

My new "playthingy"

As you can see, I'm a very busy baby. Mommy & Daddy just gave me this "playthingy" to work on. I've already figured out what the orange thingy is used for. Pretty soon I'll have them all figured out.

So much to do. So little time

Thursday, 8 September 2005

Backseat driver

Instead of putting me in the carseat, Daddy just plopped me in the back seat of his car. For some reason, I thought this was very funny. The grownups didn't know why I was laughing, but they laughed too.

Look Ma, I'm a backseat driver

[To see more pictures of me in the backseat, Click Here]

Wednesday, 7 September 2005

Plopped on the bed

As you can see, I'm feeling a lot better today. I'm smiling because just before Daddy took this picture, he jumped on the bed which made me bounce up and down. I thought it was funny. Mommy didn't.

A bouncing baby boy
(Click on picture for bigger smiles)

Tuesday, 6 September 2005

Feeling yucky

I'm still sick so I decided to stay home all day. Mommy & Daddy stayed home too. They took turns holding me because it made them feel better.

[To see me sleeping on Mommy, Click Here]

Monday, 5 September 2005

I'm sick :-(

I got my very first cold today. I'm not sure who I got it from 'cause if I did, I'd give it right back! I was cranky at the beginning. Then Mommy gave me some Tempra and put me to sleep on my 'Daddy Bed'. I fell asleep right away. So did Daddy.

Sunday, 4 September 2005

Walking with Daddy

Here I am taking Daddy for a walk in my new knapsack. My old baby carrier shrunk again so Daddy bought me a bigger one. I like it because I get to ride behind Daddy instead of in front. This way I don't get squashed when Daddy walks into a tree (as you can see from the picture, he tends to not look where he's going).

Saturday, 3 September 2005

Quiet Time with Mommy

Every day, Mommy and I spend some quiet time together. Usually it's right before bedtime or after Daddy plays 'too ruff' with me. I like feeling Mommy's face during quiet time. It makes her smile.

To see me feeling Mommy's face, click below:
QT Picture 1 & QT Picture 2 & Above picture

Friday, 2 September 2005

Relaxing outside

Here I am on my balcony. It's where I come to relax at the end of a long day. As you can imagine, being a baby is hard work. Since I'm the youngest in my family, I've decided to take on that responsibility. One day I'll grow up. Maybe Daddy will too.

For more pictures of me relaxing outide, Click Here and Here

Thursday, 1 September 2005

Mommy's chair

Here I am in Mommy's chair. She sits in it sometimes while she breastfeeds me. Just sitting in it makes me hungry. I tried getting up but realized I can't yet. I guess I'll just have to charm my way out of Mommy's chair.

One day this chair will be mine